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Ehess handicap

The EHESS is committed to an active policy in favour of diversity, professional equality and disability

11 job offers
Job offer Taking of
02-05-2025 - ERC WomatWork - Kenya EHESS Contract doctoral student (fixed term) 11-01-2025
01-31-2025 - POST DOC RQTH EHESS Postdoctoral Fellow (1-year contract) 09-01-2025
01-31-2025 - Edi LAS EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (fixed term) 03-01-2025
01-27-2025 EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (Trainee) 04-01-2025
01-27-2025 - ASS-ADM EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (fixed term) 03-01-2025
01-24-2025 - Stage Master EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (Trainee) 02-28-2025
01-24-2025 - Ingénieur projet LIVREL EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (fixed term) 02-21-2025
01-14-2025 - Charge de Com FFJ EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (fixed term) 02-14-2025
12-16-2024 - Resp admin FFJ EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (fixed term) 01-31-2025
12-06-2024 EHESS Engineers, Administrative and Technical (Permanent or fixed term) 02-16-2025